Random ideas
Cat with a yellow raincoat on a sun bed
Art show in a jungle - paintings on trees
Mirror that only shows you what you want to eat
Clothes that iron themselves
Pillow which gets puffier when it’s time to wake up so your head gets higher
Pretty coffee cup that makes you happy every morning you drink your coffee from it. - Coffee cups matter.
Painting with a much bigger frame than the picture
Art studio where the lighting has been designed in a way that there are no shadows
Video of Chika (my dog) running down the stairs turned into a fantasy land mid-jump. She’s so happy and funny that it would be like seeing a glimpse of how she visions the life
Art show on a bus. A normal bus where people would sit normally in their seats while the bus goes the normal route but on the windows, there would be art. OR!!!!! a bus similar to the library bus! “Today in your location, don’t miss out. It is Spectacular!”
…I wan’t a bus.